180. Veranda post of enthroned king and senior wife (Opo Ogoga). Olowe of Ise (Yoruba peoples). c. 1910–1914 C.E. Wood and pigment.
- Form
- Wooden sculpture with tall vertical emphasis
- Complicated and elaborate use of negative space
- Negative space creates an openness in the composition
- Most veranda posts were painted; this work has traces of paint remaining.
- Function
- Olowe of Ise carved veranda posts for the rulers of the Ekiti-Yoruba kingdom in Nigeria.
- One of four carved for the palace at Ikere, Nigeria
- Context
- The king is the focal point between himself and others represented on the post
- Behind the king, his large-scale senior wife supports the throne
- She crowns the king during the coronation; protects him during his reign
- The smaller figures include his junior wife; his flute player, Eshu, the trickster god; and a figure of a fan bearer now missing