33. Niobides Krater. Anonymous vase painter of classical Greece known as the Niobid Painter. 460-450 BCE Clay, red figure technique.


-Made of clay -Figures are stiff—early classical -Might be a copy of a wall painting by Polygnotus


--Side 1 –Niobid bragged about her fertility to the god of Leto, who had only 2 children -2 kids(Apollo and Artemis) seek revenge by killing Niobid’s 12 kids -Niobid punished for her self-confidence Side 2 -Scholarly debate -> Represents Hercules surrounded by heroes in arms and Athena


-Type of vessel: Calyx-krater —Large punch bowl used to mix water and wine



Additional Information

--Created during the classic period -It was made of clay centered on a rotating wheel: Throwing