-Eight medallions; format derives from the stained-glass windows -Luminosity of text, a reflection of stained-glass windows; strong black outlining of forms. -Two vertical columns of four painted scenes. -Modeling is minimal
--Each scene has a text with a summary of the event depicted in the roundel. -Old and New Testament scenes are paired as complementing one another -Done for the royal court in Paris —------------- -Top left: Blache of Castile, mother, and regent to the king; her gestures indicate her dominant role at this time -Top right: teenage king Louis IXl beardless, enthroned, holding a bird surmounting fleur-de-lis scepter in his right hand and a round object, possibly a seal matric, in his left hand -Bottom: older monk dictates to the younger scribe is drawing circles as seen in Scenes from the Apocalypse.
-Moralized the bible